100035211524553%3A100035211524553%3A1568928333 meta 100035211524553%3A100035211524553 meta content='' property='fb:admins'/> طب وصحه عامه: Thyroiditis


الأحد، 20 أكتوبر 2019



What is thyroiditis? 

Thyroiditis alludes to a gathering of scatters that reason aggravation of the thyroid. Your thyroid is the organ situated in the front of your neck beneath your Adam's apple. The thyroid makes hormones that control your digestion and influence how your body functions. Digestion is the means by which your body forms substances to deliver vitality, or consume calories. 

There are a few kinds of thyroiditis: 

Hashimoto's thyroiditis 

The reason is antibodies that assault the thyroid. 

Side effects are those of hypothyroidism. 

Hypothyroidism is perpetual, however can be dealt with. 

Subacute thyroiditis (de Quervain's thyroiditis) 

The conceivable reason is a viral contamination. 

Side effects incorporate torment in the thyroid and those of hyperthyroidism, trailed by hypothyroidism. 

Side effects improve inside a couple of months. 

Hypothyroidism is once in a while perpetual, yet can be dealt with. 

Intense thyroiditis (suppurative thyroiditis) 

The reason isbacteria or contamination. 

Side effects incorporate torment in the thyroid, gentle sickness, and those of hypothyroidism. 

Indications improve after treatment of the irresistible reason. 

Quiet thyroiditis 

The reason might be antibodies that assault the thyroid or an immune system issue. 

Indications are those of hyperthyroidism, trailed by hypothyroidism. 

Indications improve inside 12 to year and a half. 

Hypothyroidism might be perpetual, yet can be dealt with. 

Baby blues thyroiditis 

The reason is antibodies that assault the thyroid after conveyance of a youngster. 

Side effects of hyperthyroidism seem 1 to 3 months after conveyance. Manifestations of hypothyroidism start around 4 to 8 months after conveyance. 

Side effects improve inside 12 to year and a half. 

Hypothyroidism might be perpetual, however can be dealt with. 

Radiation-initiated thyroiditis 

The reason is utilization of radioactive iodine for treatment of hyperthyroidism or radiation treatment for treatment of specific malignant growths. 

Side effects are those of hypothyroidism. 

Hyperthyroidism may show signs of improvement yet then return. Hypothyroidism frequently is lasting, however can be dealt with. 

Medication initiated thyroiditis 

The reason isthe utilization of professionally prescribed medications, for example, amiodarone, lithium, interferons, and cytokines. 

Indications are those ofhyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism. 

Indications proceed as long as the medication is taken. 

Manifestations of thyroiditis 

Thyroiditis manifestations differ since it is a gathering of disarranges with a few kinds. 

Thyroiditis can trigger fast thyroid cell harm. This makes thyroid hormone spill into your blood and expands thyroid hormone levels. At the point when this occurs, you have side effects of hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid). Potential manifestations are: 

weight reduction 

nervousness,anxiety, or crabbiness 

issue resting 

fast pulse 


muscle shortcoming 

tremors (shaking hands or fingers). 

Thyroiditis likewise can prompt moderate, long haul thyroid cell harm. This causes thyroid hormone levels in your blood to be low. At the point when this occurs, you have side effects of hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid). Potential side effects are: 

impromptu weight gain 



dry skin 


muscle throbs. 

Individuals who have thyroiditis likewise may have torment and growing in the thyroid organ (in the front of the neck). 

What causes thyroiditis? 

The reason for thyroiditis relies upon the kind of malady you have. Most types happen when your safe framework assaults the thyroid organ. This causes aggravation (the body's reaction to damage) and harms the thyroid cells. The purpose behind the assault frequently is an immune system malady, for example, Hashimoto's. 

Different sorts of thyroiditis happen from utilization of radiation or certain meds. Viral or bacterial diseases additionally may cause thyroiditis. 

How is thyroiditis analyzed? 

Lab tests regularly can analyze thyroiditis, including what type you have. Your PCP will begin with a blood test. This estimates the measure of thyroid hormone in your blood. It will appear if your hormone levels are excessively high or excessively low. Blood tests check your degree of thyroid-invigorating hormone (TSH) too. TSH is delivered in the pituitary organ and can influence your thyroid hormone levels. Blood tests likewise can appear in the event that you have antibodies present in your body. 

Your primary care physician may do a radioactive iodine take-up test. This estimates your thyroid's capacity to ingest iodine, a mineral that is expected to create thyroid hormone. 

Now and again, you may require a biopsy to figure out what is assaulting the thyroid. 

Would thyroiditis be able to be averted or evaded? 

Most instances of thyroiditis can't be avoided. On the off chance that you have a medical problem that requires treatment utilizing radioactive iodine or radiation treatment, converse with your PCP about your danger of thyroiditis. You might have the option to begin with different medicines to maintain a strategic distance from your opportunity of thyroiditis. In the event that you consume professionally prescribed medications that can cause thyroiditis, converse with your primary care physician about your hazard and on the off chance that you can quit taking them. Regardless you will most likely be unable to keep away from thyroiditis. 

Thyroiditis treatment 

Treatment for thyroiditis relies upon your sort and what manifestations you have. 

On the off chance that you have manifestations of hyperthyroidism, your primary care physician may recommend a medication called a beta blocker. This brings down your pulse and diminish tremors. Since hyperthyroidism frequently is impermanent, your PCP likely will decrease the portion of this drug as your side effects improve. 

In the event that you have indications of hypothyroidism, your primary care physician may recommend thyroid hormone substitutions. These assistance to reestablish your body's hormone levels and recover your digestion to typical. It can take a few attempts to get the correct portion of manufactured thyroid hormone. Your primary care physician may decrease the portion of this medication after some time as your side effects improve. 

Converse with your PCP on the off chance that you have torment in your thyroid. They may prescribe a gentle calming, for example, headache medicine or ibuprofen to deal with the torment. Serious thyroid torment may require treatment with steroid treatment. 

Living with thyroiditis 

Thyroiditis and its side effects might be impermanent. For this situation, you will have the option to carry on with a typical life following treatment. In the event that the condition returns or is perpetual, work with your primary care physician to oversee manifestations. 

On the off chance that you don't get treatment, harm to your thyroid may proceed and could prompt more medical problems. For ladies, you may have issues with fruitfulness or your kids could be brought into the world with birth absconds. 

Inquiries to pose to your primary care physician 

What sort of thyroiditis do I have? 

What is the probable reason for my thyroiditis? 

What are the aftereffects of my blood test(s)? What do these outcomes mean? 

Will I have to take medication? Provided that this is true, for to what extent and what are the reactions? 

Are there any way of life or diet transforms I can make to oversee indications? 

What is my danger of long haul medical issues

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