100035211524553%3A100035211524553%3A1568928333 meta 100035211524553%3A100035211524553 meta content='' property='fb:admins'/> طب وصحه عامه: Show HN: Why YC when there's YZ? https://ift.tt/JGnLkjV


الأحد، 11 ديسمبر 2022

Show HN: Why YC when there's YZ? https://ift.tt/JGnLkjV

Show HN: Why YC when there's YZ? The Crowd Supported, Crowd Constructed, Opened sourced Acceleration program for the next generation of builders. Note: Website is just to get feedback initially. https://ift.tt/4Vl5xq3 December 11, 2022 at 10:15PM

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