100035211524553%3A100035211524553%3A1568928333 meta 100035211524553%3A100035211524553 meta content='' property='fb:admins'/> طب وصحه عامه: Show HN: I created a Chrome extension to help keep good posture while browsing https://ift.tt/4N7Fwts


السبت، 26 نوفمبر 2022

Show HN: I created a Chrome extension to help keep good posture while browsing https://ift.tt/4N7Fwts

Show HN: I created a Chrome extension to help keep good posture while browsing Hey HN, this is a small project I created that blurs your browser window whenever you start slouching. I'm sure it can be improved, but I wanted to put it out there in case anyone was interested. Links to the github repo [0] and the extension on the Chrome Webstore [1]. I'd love to get some feedback on it. [0] https://ift.tt/SX8OH5D... [1] https://ift.tt/Mj2poPT... https://ift.tt/YqnETsv November 27, 2022 at 05:57AM

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