100035211524553%3A100035211524553%3A1568928333 meta 100035211524553%3A100035211524553 meta content='' property='fb:admins'/> طب وصحه عامه: Show HN: Have a question on your medication or supplement? Ask a pharmacist now https://ift.tt/MTYh52v


الجمعة، 19 أغسطس 2022

Show HN: Have a question on your medication or supplement? Ask a pharmacist now https://ift.tt/MTYh52v

Show HN: Have a question on your medication or supplement? Ask a pharmacist now Hey everyone! TL;DR: Looking for feedback on my app in exchange for a one-time free consultation with a pharmacist 24/7 (an appointment would be encouraged as well!) A quick reflection on the focus of my company, ImpactPharm: Let's talk about Uber first. It is a technically complicated app for a simple idea: getting someone from point A to point B by connecting them with a freelance driver. See this blog: "The Uber Engineering Tech Stack, Part I: The Foundation | Uber Blog" https://ift.tt/JdG8kE1 Our Uber-inspired healthcare app aims to answer a patient's contextual medication-related question by connecting them with a freelance licensed pharmacist. The reviews and profiles of pharmacists and patients are features. They make us more approachable. The thoughtful, contextual, and actionable answer is the key product. That's our destination. Our ImpactPharm app is now available on the App Store on both Android and iOS/Apple for you to download: Apple App Store: https://ift.tt/mzIp14R Android App Store: https://ift.tt/qdn3jVv... Please give us a try. Everyone has a free trial from now until Labor Day, September 5, 2022! Please write us a review on the App Store and let us know whether: > The information provided by your pharmacist is clear, helpful, and well researched. > The app is readable and runs smoothly. > You plan to continue using ImpactPharm. > Using ImpactPharm improved your overall health and well-being. > The care you received from ImpactPharm is worth more than what you paid to use this service. And please tell us: Why will or will you not use this app again? Thank you for your support! Sophie Le, PharmD Co-founder & CEO ImpactPharm, Inc https://impactpharm.app August 19, 2022 at 10:55PM

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