السبت، 14 مايو 2022
Show HN: A collaborative pixel drawing game for when you're bored (Attempt #2) https://ift.tt/SjL3N7H
Show HN: A collaborative pixel drawing game for when you're bored (Attempt #2) Previous thread: https://ift.tt/OJmXEgt Hello again HN! It's been 3 months since I last submitted this project and the back-end server software melted down. I was really bummed that many people didn't get to play, so I've spent most of my spare time since that last post completely rewriting the back-end server software using small, carefully selected dependencies (C99, sqlite, mongoose.ws & cJSON) I've done some basic performance testing and I'm cautiously optimistic that it can now handle up to ~1000 concurrent users. If you have any ideas for improvements, do let me know! Bots are permitted, but try and do something creative instead of just filling the canvas with junk :^) You can view the source code for the new back-end here: https://ift.tt/LZIvSa4 You can also check out a recent time-lapse here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUmnUvTqn6M The time-lapse gets generated from the server log output using this tool: https://ift.tt/8odZ13H (Note to HN staff: It wouldn't let me repost this unless it had a 'slightly different url', hence the sneaky redirect there. If this is a big no-no, I apologize, otherwise feel free to swap out the URL to the redirected one :^)) https://ift.tt/JrU4Mwn May 14, 2022 at 10:56PM
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