100035211524553%3A100035211524553%3A1568928333 meta 100035211524553%3A100035211524553 meta content='' property='fb:admins'/> طب وصحه عامه: I’m so proud of my 8 year old. She just started growth hormone and gives herself her injections (her request). She’s been through so much in her short life and I’m proud to watch her grin and bear it.


الخميس، 22 يوليو 2021

I’m so proud of my 8 year old. She just started growth hormone and gives herself her injections (her request). She’s been through so much in her short life and I’m proud to watch her grin and bear it.

https://ift.tt/3ziJu3g via /r/aww https://ift.tt/3f5IYy3

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خدمات  طبيه https://www.cut-titles.com/Y4ZR