السبت، 19 يونيو 2021
Show HN: Filter HN topics you're not interested in https://ift.tt/3wUO7jn
Show HN: Filter HN topics you're not interested in Some filter rules for uBlock Origin, for example, if you don't want to see topics about Haskell: news.ycombinator.com##.itemlist > tbody > tr.athing:has-text(Haskell) news.ycombinator.com##.itemlist > tbody > tr.athing:has-text(Haskell)+tr news.ycombinator.com##.itemlist > tbody > tr.athing:has-text(Haskell)+tr+tr If there's a more efficient way, surely somebody will comment... June 19, 2021 at 11:17PM
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Show HN: WebStickies – Sticky notes for the internet I made a browser extension that lets you leave notes on websites. Some features: search...