السبت، 20 فبراير 2021
Show HN: Peppa PEG – An Ultra Lightweight PEG Parser in ANSI C https://ift.tt/2ZBEsPq
Show HN: Peppa PEG – An Ultra Lightweight PEG Parser in ANSI C After reading the [PEG Parsers series] written by Guido van Rossum, I started thinking writing a PEG Parser in ANSI C. Here are the reasons: - It's FUN. I've made several parser libraries, such as JSON, Mustache, Markdown, and I think I can take the challenge now. - I haven't had any opportunity to work on an Open Source project written in ANSI C. - Having a PEG parser in ANSI C can benefit whoever is developing a parser, as adding C bindings for other programming languages are not too difficult. And after SIX months' development, my project is now kinda feature complete. It's named Peppa PEG and you can find it here: https://ift.tt/3aBmrqW I have learned quite a lot during the journey of creating it, such as gdb, valgrind, cmake, etc. And I wouldn't make it to the end without learning from some awesome projects, such as pest.rs, cJSON, etc. Appreciate any feedbacks! Thank you! [PEG Parsers series]: https://ift.tt/2M0QQTs February 21, 2021 at 05:10AM
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