100035211524553%3A100035211524553%3A1568928333 meta 100035211524553%3A100035211524553 meta content='' property='fb:admins'/>
طب وصحه عامه: This little furball ran away from anyone that approached it, apart from me. Got this pic and then fed and watered them. Then lured them away from everyone to the fields. No need for people to shoot these beauty’s in my eyes. Just another life trying to live
الأحد، 28 يونيو 2020
This little furball ran away from anyone that approached it, apart from me. Got this pic and then fed and watered them. Then lured them away from everyone to the fields. No need for people to shoot these beauty’s in my eyes. Just another life trying to live
https://ift.tt/2VonIcD via /r/aww https://ift.tt/38aTAqy
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