الأربعاء، 25 مارس 2020
Show HN: I Made an Event Countdown App in React Native I recently created an Events Countdown app for iOS. Basically, user can create event like Birthday, Anniversary, ... and the app will show a countdown time until or since the event. User can also add reminder days, weeks, months before or after the event. It's not shown in the video but the user can choose different display mode like: List, Grid or Carousel and sizes,... This is my first time trying this business model my apps. It's free to use. You can create unlimited number of events, reminders, you can switch between dark/light theme... All the core features of an Event Countdown apps are free. But there are interstitial ads after the user created an event once in a while. (using facebook audience network and google admob). Some premium features like layouts, online gallery, cloud syncing,... are unlocked through a subscription monthly or yearly. I created the project with [typescript-react-native-starter](https://ift.tt/2JhyVFu). I also tried to contribute some open-source components like: - [react-native-easy-icon](https://ift.tt/2UAlcPA wrapper component of react-native-vector-icons to use icon easily - [react-native-unsplash](https://ift.tt/2WH879A The online gallery feature that you see from the video use directly this component. It's basically a photos browser using the unsplash api. - [react-native-store-rate](https://ift.tt/2JhS0r7 I'm still testing this so I don't recommend you to use All of my components above are written in typescript so it's kinda self-documented, I didn't have the time to update the documentation so PRs are welcome. You can download it here: https://ift.tt/33LRpaz I would love to hear feedbacks. Thanks. March 26, 2020 at 03:03AM
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