السبت، 7 ديسمبر 2019
Show HN: Vehicle Microservice Framework (Python) – Dashcams and More https://ift.tt/3551Dmo
Show HN: Vehicle Microservice Framework (Python) – Dashcams and More https://ift.tt/2rdNvIZ Hey HN, This is my first microservices project. It's designed to be an extendable platform for collecting data about your car (and acting on it). It uses a "centralized pub/sub" message queue system I developed. This was designed for a Raspberry Pi, but has support for x86 (minus the RPi specific containers) I use Redis to manage the state of the car. The microservices currently communicate with TCP JSON payloads. In its current state, it can record dashcam footage and download it when you get home. Let me know what you think! December 8, 2019 at 06:32AM
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