100035211524553%3A100035211524553%3A1568928333 meta 100035211524553%3A100035211524553 meta content='' property='fb:admins'/> طب وصحه عامه: Asthma


الخميس، 17 أكتوبر 2019



What is asthma? 

Asthma is a sickness that frequently begins in youth. Asthma makes it hard for your youngster's lungs to get air. That makes it difficult for your kid to relax. Asthma happens when your lungs become disturbed and load up with bodily fluid. 

What are the manifestations of asthma? 

In the event that your kid has asthma, the person in question may: 

Be shy of breath (with or without action) 

Have a tight feeling (or agony) in their chest 

Experience issues resting (in light of the fact that asthma side effects are more terrible around evening time, when you are resting) 

Have an observable wheezing sound as they relax 

Have a persevering hack 

The more regular the indications, the more genuine the malady. 


What causes asthma? 

Nobody comprehends what causes asthma. In any case, we think bounty about what triggers an asthma assault. Individuals with asthma are usually touchy to: 


tobacco smoke 

smoke from consuming wood 

dust bugs 

open air contamination 



a few nourishments 

certain drugs 

Different triggers include: 

physical exercise 

upper respiratory infections 

heartburn (when liquid from your stomach backs up into your throat) 

rest apnea (when you quit relaxing for brief periods while dozing) 

sinus contamination 

climate (evolving temperatures, damp conditions, downpour) 


winding up excessively energized 

Fresher research recommends that asthma is attached to heftiness (being altogether overweight). 

How is asthma analyzed? 

Your primary care physician will play out a physical test on your youngster, take a gander at your kid's restorative history, and play out a breathing test called spirometry. Spirometry estimates how much air you inhale out subsequent to taking a full breath. It is effortless and should be possible in the specialist's office. Your primary care physician will give your kid an expendable mouthpiece that connects to a cylinder. That cylinder joins to a machine that records their relaxing.

There is normally a picture on the machine's screen, for example, birthday candles or a mass of blocks. As your youngster breathes out, the candles will go out (or the blocks will tumble down). Your kid will be approached to rehash the test more than once during their PCP's visit to get precise outcomes. On the off chance that your kid's asthma is troubling them at the hour of the test, your primary care physician may give the person in question a portion of a breathed in professionally prescribed medication that opens up their aviation route. They will be approached to retake the test in the wake of breathing in the prescription. 

Other, progressively included tests may include: 

The activity challenge (practicing on a treadmill or stationary bicycle while doing a breathing test). 

A breathed out nitric oxide test (breathing into an extraordinary gadget that estimates the amount of the gas nitric oxide is in your breath — elevated levels of the gas are available in individuals with asthma). 

Hypersensitivity testing (skin and blood tests to figure out what you are susceptible to). 

Would asthma be able to be anticipated or kept away from? 

Asthma can't be anticipated. Be that as it may, your kid can diminish their asthma assaults by learning their triggers and maintaining a strategic distance from them. For instance, limit your kid's introduction to pets and tobacco smoke, and have them stay inside on days when air contamination is terrible. Abstain from wearing solid fragrance or cologne around your youngster. Solid scents can trigger an asthma assault. 

Asthma treatment 

There is no solution for asthma. It can regularly be a deep rooted condition. In any case, you can improve your youngster's personal satisfaction by knowing and keeping away from their triggers, reminding them to take their physician endorsed prescription, and following the composed asthma plan their primary care physician gives them. The arrangement gives subtleties on their triggers and what to do on the off chance that they feel the beginning of an assault. 

There are two kinds of asthma drugs. The first are support prescriptions (taken every day to monitor their asthma). The second are snappy acting medications (for the most part as an inhaler to bring them quick alleviation when they have an asthma assault). A few people take their drug with a nebulizer. A nebulizer changes fluid prescription into a fine fog that is breathed in through a cover or mouthpiece. Your primary care physician will figure out which is best for your kid. 

Living with asthma 

Living with asthma as a youngster can be troublesome. An asthma assault can meddle with physical action (recess and sports), rest, and cause youngsters to miss school or be hospitalized. Instruct your kid to perceive their asthma triggers and to get ready for those triggers on the off chance that they can't maintain a strategic distance from them. Additionally, train your kid to keep their fast acting medication close by in case of an asthma assault. With legitimate checking and prescription, your youngster can appreciate a full and dynamic life. 

Inquiries to pose to your primary care physician 

Will my youngster exceed asthma? 

Would you be able to kick the bucket from an asthma assault? 

Would you be able to create asthma sometime down the road? 

Does getting thinner improve your asthma? 

Are there any things I can do in our home to diminish the danger of my youngster having an asthma assault


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